Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sorry it's been almost a week since I've's been a little hectic. Erin and I had a very nice weekend all the way through. Friday night we went on a double date with a girl she works (Jess) and her boyfriend (Jeremy). We went to see the movie "Valentine's Day" which I almost hate to admit, but it's a pretty good movie. After that we all went to Ruby Tuesday's for a late dinner and chatted till they closed the restaurant. Saturday we spent some much needed time sleeping in, lounging around, and watching the Olympics. Saturday night we attended Tables of Eight, which is a function our church puts on one Saturday a month (for 4 months) in which 4 couples have dinner at one of couples house. Each couple is responsible to bring a different dish as well. Erin and I brought the dessert. Erin made Denver Crunch, which is a Reinwald family special, it was also Erin's first time ever making any Reinwald aunts that are reading this...she did an excellent job and she is "officialy" a Reinwald lady now. We had a great time with the people that we met with and got to know everybody a little better. It was a great time of food, fun, and discussion. We talked about everything from laundry (the husband of the house we ate at is head of Laundry Services at Riverside Medical Center) to the economy and how it's effecting different school's and school district. I'd like to take a minute right now to say hi to Pastor Koeppen, our church's associate pastor. Not only is Pastor Koeppen a Facebook friend of mine, he's also a blog follower. For anybody who ever needs a quick pick-me-up, Pastor post's a new Bible verse on his Facebook page everyday. I strongly urge you to take a minute and add him as a friend (Karl Koeppen) and read his Bible passage of the day. It's a great way to start your day. HI Pastor! On Sunday we went to Bible class and church, then we came home to clean and cook. I made chilli for the first time ever (I know, I'm a bit of a late bloomer). Mike, Julie, Jaydon, and Carter came down Sunday night for chilli and to watch the USA-Canada hockey game. Go USA!! It was a great night and great weekend overall. It's been a very weird and difficult month at work. Our new activations are way up but our upgrades are down...which is highly unusual. On Monday, I had a conference call headed by the vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents. Which it seems like everytime we have one of those, it's more of a "pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished". And I'm not knocking him for what he does or what he's accomplished in his career, I just don't need to take time out of my day to hear about it everytime we have one of these calls. Anyways, Monday wasn't going great because I kept being interupted by different people of authority asking what my numbers were for the day. They have these numbers on their computer and are looking at them when they ask me these questions, do I really need to answer? My account manager then called to ask me the same question and I pretty much lost it. I more or less (more) hung up on him...which is not the right thing to do. I then get a call from the vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents. I had a disagreement with him to and that didn't end on a good note either. So my Director of Sales calls me. I love my Director of Sales...he's a great guy and a great boss. He just kind of laughs it off and calms me down. Then yesterday happens. My boss, and owner of the company, calls and pretty much says this, "I understand having a bad day and taking it out in your own way, but my words of advice would be not to take it out on the vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents. He's not technically your boss, but he carries alot of weight. Oh, by the way, I'm sure he's cooking up something special for you." Awesome way to start off the day, let me tell you! So a little way past the half way point of my day I get customer. He's asking questions about this and that, mostly the difference between the the Droid phones we have. I'm anwering them to the best of my ability but there are some things I didn't know or just didn't include in the discussion. The man then says he'll talk to his wife and get back to me about switching to us. I reach my hand out to shake his and again tell him my name, "I'm Jared Beerman"...he says, "Hi Jared, I'm Mark Nockman, vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents." Oh crap...all I could do was smile like I was on candid camera! After a brief 15-20 minute conversation with Mark, we said our peace and he was on his way. Then about 15 minutes after he left, my account manager came walking in, could this day get any worse? He stayed for a couple hours, we said our peace, and actually worked a sale togather. All I could think about as I headed home from the office last night was, "Well Jared, you totally brought today upon yourself. Let this be a lesson to you and maybe not take out your aggrivations on the higher ups of the business." Paybacks do suck, they hit like a Mike Tyson upper cut, but they are fun...just not if you're on the receiving end of them!


  1. OK-Erin can be the official Denver Crunch maker! And Jared, try not to let your Mom's side of the family temper show too often or you will be the one home making Denver Crunch. Love you-and oh yeah- Uncle Gary says 'Good Mornin' :)

  2. wow J-Rod 1 request could u make your blogs in the future a little shorter please

  3. I realize I'm way behind on this, but speaking of way behind~Erin has been an official Reinwald lady for a few years now. You were the last to notice. :P
