Monday, March 29, 2010

Entertainment for free

I've dicovered my new favorite hobby, watching people in a grocery store. If you want great, hilarious, and free entertainment just go to your local store. Holy cow!! It's the greatest thing ever. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the pleasures of seeing people get so frustrated with having to be at one end of the store and have to go to the complete other end to get the next item on their list. Or watch as they carefully stare down two aisle's trying to figure out if the specific kind of beans they want are in the "Beans" section or the "Chili" section. Or, if you're really lucky, you'll get to see somebody carefully and slowly look down an ailse, realize it's not the right one and quickly look away as to not let anyone know they almost went down the wrong path. It's great! It's like a time warp too. You go in at noon for an item or two and when you make it out, it's 7 pm and you've spent $300 on nothing but snacks and fillers, absolutely nothing you can have a decent dinner with AND you didn't even get the item you originally came in for. Plus, I haven't even gotten to the experiance of the check out line either. UNBELIEVABLE is the only way to describe it. Mostly because that's the only word you hear people say when they're in line. Old lady wants to pay with exact change but is $1.57 short because they raised the price of her beloved Ensure AND the city tax increased by a quarter of a percent...UNBELIEVABEL! Welfare lady wants to pay in food stamps but her specific brand of alcohol (which she'll drink while watching her plasma t.v.) isn't covered by food stamps...UNBELIEVABLE! Middle-aged man won't calm down because th EPT test that he's buying for his 20-something year old mistress scanned in at $18.99 when in reality the sticker price is $'s $2 and you're having an affair...UNBELIEVABLE! Or...wait for it...wait for it...the person in front of you at the express line has 32 items instead of the necassary 20 or less but he think's it's okay because he'll just buy 20 with one purchase and the other 12 with another swipe of his card, sorry dude, buy your 20 items and jump back in line...UNBELIEVABLE! So if you're looking for something to do on a random night and re-runs of "BONES" aren't cutting it...check out you local grocery store and realize your life really isn't that bad!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Too much on my mind

After a very long, tiring, stressful, yet almost soothing week, I'm back. As many of you know, my Grandma Beerman passed away suddenly last Friday, the 19th. I'd like to take this moment to thank all of you who sent their sympathies/condolences or even just checked to see if I needed anything. I'd also like to say how unbelievably blessed I was to be able to see Grandma one last time, even though I didn't know it would be the last time, a couple of weeks ago when Erin and I made an unschedualed stop by her and Gramps place. I've had about a thousand ideas on what I wanted to write on here over the last week so this post may be one of many coming in the next few days. Someboday says it everytime the entire Beerman family gets together but it really hit me last Beerman cousins are the greatest! I'm speaking specificaly of my immediate cousins but you could say the same thing about my 2nd and 3rd cousins as well. This is a group that includes 11 of us. 9 of us are between the ages of 24 and 37 and then there are two younger ones too. We are close and really that's an understatement. Even though we're spread throughout the country (Chicago, Nashville, Austin, Kansas City, and Concordia) we seem to always stay in contact and the once, possibly twice, that we get to all be together every year is more than great! We're there to lean on each other, pick on each other, joke around, talk seriously, and have a few high balls together. Whenever we all are in the same area we always make it a point to get together for a night and talk and hang out. I don't know of many families that are as bonded and close as we are. I love it. As we sat in church at the funeral, all in one pew, I couldn't help but think, "Grandma, this is because of you. You taught all that family is the most important thing behind our faith. You taught your children that and they've passed it to us." And as we all sat on Grandma and Gramps patio after the funeral, a huge game of baseball broke out in their backyard, just like it had for the past 20 to 30 years. All us cousins playing baseball, using the clothes line pole for first base, the elm tree for second, the corner of the patio and the sidewalk for third, and the old hole from an uprooted tree for home base. Just like we always had. No steals or lead-offs, the ball is always live no matter if it comes off the roof or coming out of the tree's, and hitting the shed without a bounce is a homerun. Grandkids and great-grandkids all playing together, ages 2 to 36. All of us Beerman cousins together again...because of Grandma.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Growing up with siblings

For the first time in a very long time, all the Beerman siblings were together without Mom and Dad this past weekend. My brothers, Jason and Trey, came up to Julie's (our sister) for the weekend. We haven't all been together without our parents for a couple years at least. It was a blast! Jason is 36, Julie is 32, I'm 27, and Trey is 8. As we sat around the table Saturday night playing a heated game of Spades, I couldn't help but think of how far we've come from the days of giving each other hell growing up. I remember Jason and Julie always fighting and Jason chasing Julie around the house because Julie would take one of Jason's sweatshirts without asking and not return it. Or we'd be downstairs watching t.v. all calm and quiet and Mom would be upstairs all of a sudden Julie would shrill out of nowhere and yell to Mom that Jason had hit her when in fact Jason was just minding his own business...and Jason would still get in trouble. Of course there was the time Jason rubbed my head in the carpet and literally burned the front part of my hair off, the day before school pictures. Man, Mom was UPSET! Or when Julie would dig into the edge of my fingernail in order to get me to do whatever she wanted me too. Then there was the neighborhood gang. I remember when one boy hit Julie in the nose so she gave him a black eye. Or when Jason and Cort hung me up by my belt loop from the top of the swing set. It was awesome to think of all torture we'd do to each other for so long and now we're all sitting around the table, talking about jobs, married life, and whatnot. I think it all started changing when Julie and I were in high school. Mostly because we could call Jason and ask him out to get out of trouble or get away with something because we knew he'd done it all before. Whether it was Julie calling him to find out how to break into the house after she broke curfew or me calling him to find out how to handle mom and dad when I got my first speeding ticket. Of course, once we all were out of high school, we took it another notch up. Julie and I went to same college and lived about 8 blocks from each other. We spent the night of 9/11 at her apartment just watching. Jason called me with re-assurance when mom and dad busted me with alcohol. Jason and I lived together for a year and half when I moved back from River Forest. Whether it was Jason trying to teach me how to budget, me giving him rides when his license was suspended, or working out...that was our bonding time. Then when Trey came along, it all changed again. When our parents were going through the court process with Trey's biological father, we three older siblings had a sit down and pretty much said, "this is our brother no matter what and we will do anything necessary to care for him". It didn't matter that he wasn't a true blood brother, he's a love brother and love is always thicker than blood. And I'd like to think we've done that to the best of our abilities. Although it is fun to give it to mom and dad about how much softer they've gotten since we grew up...Trey gets away with everything!!! J/K, but it's fun! Now that Erin and I live in Bourbonnais, it's fun to get to see Julie (and Mike) all the time. Julie and I are getting that closeness that Jason and I got when we were living together. I can talk to her about being married and what to expect and also family. It's great! It was just awesome to be sitting there, enjoying each other's company, playing cards, watching Trey play with Jaydon (our nephew). And then Julie said something interesting. As we were playing Spades, Jaydon and Trey kept coming up and interupting for one thing or another and Julie was trying to feed Carter (our other nephew) and she said, "now we know how mom and dad felt when they were trying to play cards with the Pointers" (our neighbors growing up). Holy cow, I never realized it till then, WE ARE OUR PARENTS!!!! But they raised, what I think, are 3 great kids and are raising a fourth and if I can be half the parents they are, I'd be beyond happy! Thanks Mom and Dad!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gramps and Grandma time

Erin and I spent last weekend on a whirlwind trip to Missouri visiting family. We spent all of Saturday with Erin's family for our niece's 2nd birthday. It was exciting as always! We spent alot of time playing with Bella and hanging out with Erin's sister's and her mom. Whether we're eating, watching sports, giving each other a hard time, or playing cards (I almost won our "Apples to Apples" game)...I love hanging out with my in-laws. But on Sunday we made a couple quick stops on the way back to Bourbonnais to see my grandparents and my parents. I hadn't seen Gramps and Grandma for awhile because Erin and I didn't make it back in time for Christmas Eve at their house. I'm always amazed at them...even at their age and their health issues, they're always ready for company. My Beerman cousins and I are very lucky to have grandparents who have been alert, healthy, and able enough to see us all grow up to be adults. I've noticed that's kind of an oddity. Erin and I sat and talked with them for about 45 minutes but I could've stayed all day and listened to their stories. Gramps was talking about Uncle Donald (Grandma's sisters' husband) and how many stamps he's collected over the years, "I don't know why he needs them, they just sit 12 security boxes in the bank." And Grandma was talking about how everytime they got a new vehicle it always seemed like Gramps got a new truck and she never got a new car. I love listening to them! We talked about how Gramps used to smoke a pipe and why he quit...Grandma thinks he just got bored and quit cold turkey one day, Gramps thinks it's because Grandma made him! We also talked about how whenever Grandma would make chocolate milk shakes for us, it would scramble the tv whenever she turned the blender on (which Gramps swears was only during a Chicago Cubs game). Unfortunatley we had to hit the road so we couldn't stay longer but I can't wait to get back there and have some more conversations and for Gramps to say "Jared, sit down and tell me a story."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sorry it's been almost a week since I've's been a little hectic. Erin and I had a very nice weekend all the way through. Friday night we went on a double date with a girl she works (Jess) and her boyfriend (Jeremy). We went to see the movie "Valentine's Day" which I almost hate to admit, but it's a pretty good movie. After that we all went to Ruby Tuesday's for a late dinner and chatted till they closed the restaurant. Saturday we spent some much needed time sleeping in, lounging around, and watching the Olympics. Saturday night we attended Tables of Eight, which is a function our church puts on one Saturday a month (for 4 months) in which 4 couples have dinner at one of couples house. Each couple is responsible to bring a different dish as well. Erin and I brought the dessert. Erin made Denver Crunch, which is a Reinwald family special, it was also Erin's first time ever making any Reinwald aunts that are reading this...she did an excellent job and she is "officialy" a Reinwald lady now. We had a great time with the people that we met with and got to know everybody a little better. It was a great time of food, fun, and discussion. We talked about everything from laundry (the husband of the house we ate at is head of Laundry Services at Riverside Medical Center) to the economy and how it's effecting different school's and school district. I'd like to take a minute right now to say hi to Pastor Koeppen, our church's associate pastor. Not only is Pastor Koeppen a Facebook friend of mine, he's also a blog follower. For anybody who ever needs a quick pick-me-up, Pastor post's a new Bible verse on his Facebook page everyday. I strongly urge you to take a minute and add him as a friend (Karl Koeppen) and read his Bible passage of the day. It's a great way to start your day. HI Pastor! On Sunday we went to Bible class and church, then we came home to clean and cook. I made chilli for the first time ever (I know, I'm a bit of a late bloomer). Mike, Julie, Jaydon, and Carter came down Sunday night for chilli and to watch the USA-Canada hockey game. Go USA!! It was a great night and great weekend overall. It's been a very weird and difficult month at work. Our new activations are way up but our upgrades are down...which is highly unusual. On Monday, I had a conference call headed by the vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents. Which it seems like everytime we have one of those, it's more of a "pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished". And I'm not knocking him for what he does or what he's accomplished in his career, I just don't need to take time out of my day to hear about it everytime we have one of these calls. Anyways, Monday wasn't going great because I kept being interupted by different people of authority asking what my numbers were for the day. They have these numbers on their computer and are looking at them when they ask me these questions, do I really need to answer? My account manager then called to ask me the same question and I pretty much lost it. I more or less (more) hung up on him...which is not the right thing to do. I then get a call from the vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents. I had a disagreement with him to and that didn't end on a good note either. So my Director of Sales calls me. I love my Director of Sales...he's a great guy and a great boss. He just kind of laughs it off and calms me down. Then yesterday happens. My boss, and owner of the company, calls and pretty much says this, "I understand having a bad day and taking it out in your own way, but my words of advice would be not to take it out on the vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents. He's not technically your boss, but he carries alot of weight. Oh, by the way, I'm sure he's cooking up something special for you." Awesome way to start off the day, let me tell you! So a little way past the half way point of my day I get customer. He's asking questions about this and that, mostly the difference between the the Droid phones we have. I'm anwering them to the best of my ability but there are some things I didn't know or just didn't include in the discussion. The man then says he'll talk to his wife and get back to me about switching to us. I reach my hand out to shake his and again tell him my name, "I'm Jared Beerman"...he says, "Hi Jared, I'm Mark Nockman, vice-president of Midwest Indirect Agents." Oh crap...all I could do was smile like I was on candid camera! After a brief 15-20 minute conversation with Mark, we said our peace and he was on his way. Then about 15 minutes after he left, my account manager came walking in, could this day get any worse? He stayed for a couple hours, we said our peace, and actually worked a sale togather. All I could think about as I headed home from the office last night was, "Well Jared, you totally brought today upon yourself. Let this be a lesson to you and maybe not take out your aggrivations on the higher ups of the business." Paybacks do suck, they hit like a Mike Tyson upper cut, but they are fun...just not if you're on the receiving end of them!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Set up questions and the difference of the sexes

Erin called me last night from her office and asked me if we could go bowling. This coming a night after we had already been bowling, mostly because she is bound and determined to break 100 in a game. After a little hesitation because my arm and thumb were still throbbing from the 3 games the previous night and mostly because my competitive juices kicked in, I agreed. But before we left, Erin had to change from her work clothes into some jeans, she asked me a question. It was pre-staged like this, "This isn't a set-up question at all..." Ahhh....a red flashing light and a siren instantly started go off in my head. "...but it you could change one thing about me and/or our marriage, what would it be?" You're right honey, that's not a set-up at ALL!!! After a little wait and "what do you mean" questions, I got Erin to give me an example. She said she would change our financial situation and something else (I was watching the Olympics, I don't remember)...just kidding...I remember but I don't have her permission to tell you. So I said, "I wish we could have more day's to sleep in togather." Appearently that's where I went wrong. She replied that that answer didn't count. I replied "so not only did you actually ask me a set-up question but the set-up question also has precautions as well!" We then had a good laugh and went on our second date night in a row. But it got me wondering about the difference between women and men. Where as Erin's answer has to deal with financial dealings, which I'm sure most newly weds, if not all couples deal with, mine was probably not nearly as stressful or life threatening. And don't get me wrong, Erin and I both have pretty decent jobs and the money we earn covers our bills, but like everyone, we would like to have a couple more dollars to put towards savings, retirement, a house...ect. I just found it interesting that she would say money and mine was sleeping and/or lounging around more togather. I wonder, if you polled women and men, and asked them the same question, how many of the women's answer's would be "serious" and how many of the men's would be, well, not so much. I found it humorous I guess. That's my thought for the day...and my first official blog (that wasn't the official welcome). Oh...for those of you still wondering, Erin didn't break the 100 mark...she bowled a very evil and spitefull 99...and we are never allowed to bowl in lane 30 ever again according to her. However, I'm sure the bowling alley will be our hangout until she does get over the hump.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

About this blog

This blog is intended to let me breathe deeper. So often in my life, as I'm sure in most of yours, I get so wrapped up in my life that I forget to just sit down and take a look around. I'm pretty sure I've always been like this too. There have been so many times that I've wanted to just talk about my day, week, or life in general and everything that happens and what my spin of it is but can't because, well...who has enough time to listen to me talk? This is my opportunity to say those things and if have time to sit down and read this and/or want to read they are. I want this blog to be honest and raw with me not holding back and I really hope to accomplish that. Whether its funny, scary, sad, dull, or whatever...this is my life and my spin on it. I hope you all enjoy the ride, enjoy the read, and enjoy life. Thank you for your support.